My Devices > Transfer
Transfer The Devices From Your Account
*Once you choose to transfer the device, the account will not be able to use the device until you rebind.
*No matter how many times you bind again, the registration date, software validity date, and warranty period all take effect from the first registration, and it will display in the device information.
*If you want to purchase or renew the software before transferring the device, please do not transfer your device until the software validity period takes effect, or the software purchase and device transfer will fail.
*If the software on the device has auto-subscription enabled or subscribes during the transfer, the device cannot be transferred or received. After canceling the subscription, you can resubmit the transfer request or receive the transferred device.
*Please notify the receiver to accept the device within 24 hours. If the device is not accepted within that time, the transfer will be cancelled.
Which Account Is This Device Going To?

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